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  Thank you Ohio Farmers.... We could not do it without you 

Byland Polled Shorthorns

Loudonville, OH

If you raise beef cattle and are interested in becoming a valued supplier for our Ohio Beef Brands, please give us a call.  We would love to hear more about what you do and how you do it!

J & K Gott Farms - Wellington, Ohio


Brothers John and Kevin Gott own and operate J&K Gott Farms in Wellington, OH.  The family plants corn, soybeans, wheat, and hay in addition to raising a small herd of Angus cattle.  Gary Gott (John and Kevin's father) is the primary caretaker for the herd and carefully manages both the cow/calf breeding operation and the finishing process for the market cattle.  


The Gott Family started breeding and raising cattle in 1993 and now has approximately 60 Angus cows that are bred on the farm.  The calves grow alongside their mothers in the pasture until  they are weaned at about five  months of age.  Eventually the cattle are introduced to a high protein corn-based diet designed to promote healthy growth. Gary also works closely with an animal nutritionist to carefully balance the necessary supplements and ration during the finishing process.


Gary's wife encourages him to slow down and enjoy his retirement years but he says that he is right where he wants to be... Gary loves working with cattle and helping his sons!  


Coy Smith - Sullivan, Ohio


With the help of his wife, Robin and two daughters, Erin and Brittney, Coy Smith raises cattle and crops on his family's farm in Sullivan, OH.  (Coy pictured with daughter Erin, right).  The Smiths plant corn, beans, hay, and wheat which are ground and mixed on the farm and used in the finishing ration for their market cattle.  Coy and his family manage a small cow/calf herd which acts as the primary cattle source for their beef operation; however, the family does buy additional feeder cattle from other local producers.


"Our mom Robin is the heart and soul of this farm.  She makes it all tick.", explained Erin when asked about her mother.    


Brittney completed a Family and Child Studies degree at Muskingum College and now works for the local Head Start program.  Erin graduated from Findlay University with an Animal Science degree and is employed at AG Credit. 

"Farming is a way of life and a great life it has been!"

Krupp Family Farm - Norwalk, Ohio


Dave Krupp, his wife Darlene (pictured right with Bob Boliantz), and their daughter Taylor own and operate a crop and beef cattle farm just south of Norwalk, OH.  This farm land has been in the family for three generations.


The Krupps plant corn, beans, and wheat which are harvested and used as feed for their market cattle operation.  


Taylor Krupp is active in 4-H, school athletics, and church. 

Burkholder Family Farms - Shiloh, OH

Harvey and his wife Rachel moved to Ohio from Pennsylvania in 1981 when they bought their first farm and began feeding cattle.  Now the Burkholders and their children own a diversified operation near Shiloh, OH.  Harvey and his two sons David and Wilson manage a large cattle feedlot where they finish feeder calves for market using high moisture corn, distillers grain, and corn silage harvested from the 600 acre farm.  


The family also operates a fabric store, barn building/restoration company, organic garden fertilizer business, farm equipment rental, and local produce line including melons and tomatoes sold in Ohio markets.  


Harvey and Rachel are blessed with 8 children and many grandchildren who are all involved in the family business.

J & L Cattle Services - Jeromesville, OH

Jeff Harr, his wife Lou Ellen, and their daughter Keayla make a family business out of their love for cattle.  Lou Ellen grew up raising Hereford cattle and followed her passion for livestock by completing a BS in Animal Science from the University of Missouri and a Masters in Animal Science and Reproductive Physiology from Kansas State University.  Jeff’s hands-on livestock experience began at a young age when he spent the summers showing breeding stock at many county fairs across northern Ohio.  He also spent time in herd management with Big T Ranch in Jeromesville, OH before taking a position at E.R. Boliantz Co.  Lou Ellen says their daughter shares her parents’ passion for Hereford cattle and plans to attend college out west to study Animal Science. 


J & L Cattle Services specializes in breeding and raising optimal Hereford cattle.  The family takes great pride in managing the herd and selecting for desirable genetic traits in an effort to continuously improve the Hereford breed.   J & L Cattle Services sells bull calves, heifers and young cows with the most ideal breed characteristics to other Herford breeders all over the country.  The family also feeds out a portion of their calves for market to help collect valuable carcass data for further breed management.  These cattle are fed corn, hay, and silage all grown on the farm.


The success of J & L Cattle Services is driven by the family’s constant strife for the ideal cattle in terms of quality and efficiency and their in- depth understanding of today’s beef industry.       

J&L Cattle Services was recently featured in "The Ring" (page 74). 

Red Hill Farms - Cambridge, OH

Randy Raber, his wife Marijane, and their sons Jonathon and Nathan own and operate a large, diversified farm near Cambridge, OH.  Farming became a family business in the early 1980s when Randy’s father actually made his start as a dairy farmer- It wasn’t until Randy completed his degree at OSU ATI and came back to the farm that they decided to make better use of their pasture ground by starting a cow/calf herd.  The Rabers now manage a 500 head Angus crossbred cow herd that calves in the spring and fall to help ensure a continuous supply of feeders for the family’s beef cattle operation.  The beef cattle are finished for market on dry shelled corn and silage harvested from the farm as well as dry-distillers grain purchased in Coshocton, OH.  The family works with a nutritionist from the local Ag Co-op to carefully monitor the cattle’s growth process and overall health.


The Rabers also own a local restaurant featuring high-end steak cuts from beef raised on the farm.  The family and their head chef have built the restaurant’s menu and reputation around their shared passion for high quality, fresh, local ingredients.  Find the Bear’s Den on Facebook or                    



Atterholt Farms - Jeromesville, OH

Sometimes childhood dreams do in fact come true. What were once only treasured memories of wide-open pastures and cattle grazing at leisure have now become a reality for Mike and Aaron Atterholt.


The brothers, who grew up watching their grandfather feed a handful of beef cattle each year, now have the pleasure of raising their young families on that same piece of land. Together they farm land and raise Angus cattle amidst the rolling hills of Jeromesville, Ohio.


Their town is small, “just a spot on the map” as Mike would say, but it’s home and the birthplace of many more memories to come as this new generation starts to make its mark.


“I couldn’t think of a better way to raise a family, that's for sure,” says Mike.


What began as simple 4-H projects for the men, some 25 years ago, has turned into a full-fledged business with Aaron working on the farm full time and Mike contributing time on weekends and evenings after his job in town. Aaron works the farming side of the operation while Mike focuses on his love – the cattle.


“I kinda got hooked on it,” says Mike. “We had a lot of good times growing up. I have a good job but I definitely know I’d rather be at home working on the farm with the cattle.”


Alongside his wife, Amanda, Mike focuses on raising and feeding cattle that will be recognized for quality and consistency; traits often attributed to The Certified Angus Beef ® brand.


“The Certified Angus Beef ® brand is out there promoting a quality product. We need to be able to supply it,” says Mike.


Together, the brothers and their families do their part to ensure a premium product. With eager anticipation Mike looks forward to raising his young girls with the work ethic associated with growing up in this unique fashion.


“A lot of kids don’t get that opportunity, they never have the responsibility of raising an animal. Having a family, I definitely want to see our daughters experience that,” says Mike. “That will trickle down into everything else they encounter in life. It’s a huge responsibility.”


Whether they be a hundred miles away or just down the road, the Certified Angus Beef ® brand is comprised of many families, just like the Atterholts. To them, ranching is a chosen way of life – an unparalleled commitment that runs deep. Individually, they work hard to produce their best, and they join together to bring you the Certified Angus Beef ® brand. 

Loyal & Diana Young - Ashland, OH

Loyal Young is a full-time farmer—planting and harvesting crops, managing a small cow/calf herd, and feeding out beef cattle for market.  His wife Diana helps on the farm and also works at Spring Meadow Veterinary Clinic.  The Young family feeds cattle year round at their farm on the north east side of Ashland, OH.    


Loyal and Diana have three children and five grandchildren who live locally and are active on the farm and in 4-H.  The family has been a longtime supporter and participant in the Ashland County Fair and will soon have grandchildren old enough to raise market and breeding projects of their own!

Byland Polled Shorthorns – Loudonville, OH


Brothers, Jeff and Jon Byers are second generation family farmers who breed and raise Registered Polled Shorthorn cattle on their farm in Loudonville, OH.  The family’s love affair with the breed started with just one heifer purchased by Jeff and Jon’s father when the two were just young boys.  Now, the farm supports approximately 130 cows, six breeding bulls and their calves.  Jeff and Jon manage the herd very closely and select for the most desirable genetic characteristics in an effort to continuously develop breed in terms of quality and efficiency.  The Byers show the best of their breeding stock at world class breed shows like the Beef Expo held annually in Louisville, KY and sell many of their young heifers and bull calves to other Polled Shorthorn breeders all over the US.      


The cows are on pasture in their natural environment 365 days a year to ensure a healthy, hearty herd.  The cows calve outside and raise their offspring in the pasture until they are weaned at 6 months of age.  Because genetic bloodlines are extremely important to Jeff and Jon’s work with breed development, each calf is tagged in the field with a number that corresponds to the dam, sire and year of birth and records are maintained to establish breeding history for future reference.  The calves that are not sold for breeding purposes are fed out using dry shelled corn, protein pellets, and a grass/alfalfa hay all grown on the family’s farm.  This process helps the Byers collect valuable carcass data in terms of meat quality and is the basis for selecting desired breeding characteristics in future calves.


Jon Byers is a graduate of The Ohio State University with a degree in Animal Science and a lifetime of experience in working with cattle.  Jon focuses full-time on the farming operations and is the primary caretaker of the herd.  Jon and his wife Lori have a daughter, Vanessa, who is active in her high school band and the local Jr. Fair Livestock Show. 


In addition to managing the farm, Jeff Byers owns and operates Byland Animal Hospital in Loudonville.  Dr. Byers is a graduate of The Ohio State University where he received his Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree in 1982.  He and his wife Marti, a 4th grade teacher in the Hillsdale School district, have two grown children, Mike and Tara.  Their family life is made complete by their special dogs Casey and Debbie. 



Chuck & Danny Nofsinger - Navarre, OH

When Chuck was just 16 years old he walked down the street to his neighbor's farm to ask for a job. As it turned out, that walk was the beginning of Chuck's life as a farmer. He learned to work with livestock at a young age and fell in love with feeding cattle. Chuck now owns and works that same farm with his son, Danny, where where it all began so many years ago. 


Together the team farms approximately 600 acres of corn, soybeans, wheat and hay. They also feed 80 to 100 head of Angus cross cattle each year. The Nofsingers source their feeder calves locally from farms around Massillon and Navarre.


Chuck and his wife Leslie were blessed with three children and seven grandchildren so far. The grandchildren spend most Sundays on the farm with their grandparents. Farming is definitely a family affair for the Nofsingers!

Wilmer Nolt - Shiloh, OH


Wilmer and his wife Teresa Nolt own and operate a 100 acre farm just south of Greenwich, Ohio. Wilmer has approximately 120 head of cattle on feed in which he divides into smaller groups to rotate as they become ready for harvest. These cattle are sourced as feeders from Wilson Burkholder, a local farmer, in Shiloh, Ohio.  Wilmer primarily feeds crossbred cattle with an Angus background.


When the feeders are first brought to the farm, they are started on a mixture of clover baleage, corn silage, and ground corn; all of which are grown on the farm. When the cattle reach approximately 1,000 pounds, the baleage and silage mixture is reduced and ground corn is increased and supplemented with a mineral pack and bean meal for additional protein. Wilmer works with Loudonville Equity to test his feed regularly and ensure the cattle are getting proper nutrient levels.


In addition to farming, the Nolts also have a small farm machinery repair business that keeps them busy in the offseason... As if there is really ever an off-season for a farmer!

Tractors Parked in the Crop Field
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Jim & Ben Klick - Massillon, OH


Jim Klick owns and runs a 4th generation family farm with his son Ben in Massillon, Ohio. Together they farm approximately 1800 acres and feed 500 to 600 head of cattle each year. 


Over the years, the Klick family built relationships with Ohio based cow/calf producers and backgrounders to source cattle for their feedlot. Jim believes that these long-standing relationships with other local farmers are crucial for putting together a strong, healthy group of feeder cattle.  Most of the cattle that Jim and Ben feed are angus-based crossbreeds.


The family plants corn and other crops each year which are harvested and fed to their cattle. They grind their own corn and add supplements from L. E. Sommers Kidron, Inc., a feed store in Dalton, Ohio.  The cattle are on feed for approximately 10 months before they are hand selected for harvest.


This privilege of being a steward of the land and livestock is all possible because of Jim's supporting cast.  Jim and his wife Mary Beth have two children who have blessed them with grandchildren. In addition to working on the farm, his son serves on the Ohio Corn and Wheat Board and his daughter works for Deerfield Ag Services.  Jim's parents still live on the family farm and love to be involved- sharing their wisdom.

Aaron Burkholder - Shiloh, OH


Aaron Burkholder and his son Jonathan, and their wives Phyllis and Brenda, work together to feed 80 head of beef cattle each year. The team buys crossbred Angus calves in October and feeds them through winter and spring to ready them for market in the summer months.  The cattle are sourced locally from Aaron's nephew who backgrounds them on pasture all summer before they enter the Burkholder feed lot in the fall. 


The feeder calves are started on a combination of hay, corn silage and a sprinkling of ground shell corn. As they grow the hay and corn silage are reduced and the ground shell corn is increased.  All of the feed is grown and harvested by Aaron and Jonathan right on the farm.


In addition to raising cattle, the Burkholder's also own and operate Sunny Crest Produce and Greenhouse where they offer fresh produce and plants all spring and summer.  

Henry Sensing Jr. - Shiloh, OH


Henry and his wife Miriam and their five children live and work together on their farm in Shiloh, Ohio. 


Henry feeds about 100 head of cattle for market each year.  The Sensing's buy most of their feeder calves from local farmers to avoid long hauls and busy sale barns.  Henry believes this is the best way to start with healthy calves.  Additionally, the cattle are provided with indoor shelter and an outdoor lot for fresh air.  


Most of the cattle on the farm are crossbred Angus which are known for their high quality beef cuts.  Specifically selecting this breed along with the proper grain-fed diet has allowed Henry to achieve exceptional USDA quality grades on many of his cattle. The Sensing's grow all of the corn and silage that are used to feed out their cattle. 


Henry and Miriam are neighbors and friends with the Nolt's (another local supplier of Ohio Premium Beef). The families are always willing to lend a hand to each other when help is needed!

Contact Us - Ashland


1535 Cleveland Avenue

Ashland, Ohio 44805

P:   419.289.0736 Ext. 1

F:   419.289.9630


Contact Us - Mansfield


749 Springmill St.

Mansfield, OH 44903

P:   419.289.0736 Ext. 2

F:   419.289.9630




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8am - 12pm

© 2014 by ER Boliantz Co., Inc. 

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